"Better than a thousand days of diligent study, is one day with a GREAT Teacher."

-Japanese Proverb

"We want more than just a Teacher in the room, we want someone who can inspire change, spark creativity and invite joy into our classrooms!"

- Basha Williams,
Founder of Busy Bodies Playhouse

"We value our Teachers, they don't just come and go, they come and grow with us!"

Why Teach with us?

Our Motto is Simple.
A living wage not just minimum wage.

Being a Teacher is hard work, and you should be compensated as such.
We are on a mission to create change and disrupt the norm within the early childhood teaching industry.

Lets be honest, Teachers are the Secret Superheroes of our community! Everyday they help grow and nurture little minds into becoming incredible humans who will bloom in our community.

We set our Teaching standards high! Therefore, we are commited to giving our teachers the very best. We care deeply about our staff, and we know that when employees feel respected, appreciated and have a healthy work/life balance, they are able to recharge their Super Powers and perfom at their optimal best!

We provide our teachers with 23 paid Holiday/Vacation days per year.

We cover 100% of your child's tuition. Thats right, ZERO out of pocket costs for our Teachers.

When our school is closed for summer and winter break, our Teachers still get paid.

Why our School?

A place that values you, and allows you to be the creative Super Hero you were called to be!

Be a part of a team that works hard and plays harder!

Enjoy working in a clean, nurturing, non-toxic, eco friendly environment.

"Nature is a tool to get children to experience not just the wider world, but themselves.”

- Steven Moss

We are HIRING for the following positions:
On-Call/Substitute Teacher 8:00am-5:00pm or 8:30am-5:30pm shifts
Elementary Camp Teachers 8:00am-5:00pm or 8:30am-5:30pm shifts
Ready to join our team? Apply today!

Send us your Resume and a blurb about yourself and why you think you would be a great fit for our program! Please put what position you are applying for in the SUBJECT LINE!

All resumes should be emailed to: BusyBodiesPlayhouseinfo@gmail.com

If we feel you are a good fit for our program, we will contact you. Please no phone calls.